What Is ?

The Gears In Motion program, or GIM for short, is a hands-on activity to teach elementary school students necessary teamwork and collaboration skills. Our team created this program in 2018 to help students at local elementary schools to teach the students the aforementioned skills. Gears In Motion starts with a short, informative presentation on how gears work. After watching a team member demonstration, the students work together as a team to piece together their GIM robot toys as a team and learn to "Turn Together." By the end of the program, the students will be able to take home their very own GIM toys.

What does it mean to "Turn Togther"?
GIM is all about teamwork and how every person contributes something. We created the phrase "Turn Together" as both a witty pun and as a way to explain teamwork in an easy-to-understand way. When we are presenting to the kids, we make sure to emphasize this more than anything, so that the message we are sending is received by all. By creating a catchphrase, we also make ourselves recognizable. Many times, we have heard from students that they love their toys and had a lot of fun building them, but often we hear that the kids are better at teamwork after they participate in our program.

GIM Instructional Video